Sunday, April 28, 2024

First Thoughts on Delicious: Emily's Mansion Mystery

 I'm still playing the demo, and have only gotten up to the intro of the mini games.  I'm going to play to the end of the demo before I decide to buy or not.  Like the last one, it's so nice to have the old-style play back.  I'm still undecided as to how intrusive the mini games are, though.  The graphics are great, as always, and I do love that they have kept the same basic music/sounds since the early days.  The storyline is still fun thus far, too.  I'd love to hear what you guys think!

Update: Finished it and really enjoyed it!

June 2024 - Currently Playing/Replaying:
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Beach Party Craze
Delicious: Emily's Cooking and Romance


  1. Well mansion mystery is as you said it a return to the original gamestyle that cooking and romance is slightly away the two main characters are Emily and Francois and the story tbh is a bit more interesting than cooking and romance.i enjoy it a lot

    1. Yeah, I did enjoy it, too! I never finished Cooking and Romance, but I played Mansion Mystery all the through, and rather quickly, too.


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