The Basics:

Customers order and pay for products/services. When a customer is waiting to pay you will see an image of bills and coins. The higher the customer happiness, the greater the price paid. Customers with three coins next to the money stack are ecstatic and are paying the highest amount. When a customer becomes mad, no coins will be beside the money. A very angry customer will have a thunder cloud beside their head.
Doing the same action twice or three times in a row (combo or chain) will help you achieve higher scores. Combos can be earned by having two or three orders prepared on your tray, and serving them to the customers without an interruption to do another task. If you serve two in a row, you get a bonus of +10 and a bonus of +15 for three customers in a row. Checking out two in a row gets a bonus of +15; three in a row will gain a bonus of +30. You will earn a bonus of +10 for serving a complete order of two or three products to a customer.
How to remove an product from your tray: If you make a mistake and put something on your tray that you don't need, click on it and it will be removed from the tray.
The score for the story levels is measured in one, two, or three stars, depending on the amount of points you earn. You will win the level as long as you earn one star. The challenge levels have a set amount that must be met, without the option of earning more than one star.
Tip: If you can't reach three stars on a level, you can change the difficulty to a lower setting under the main menu and retry the level.
The mouse will appear in every story level. He will make a squeaky sound, and will appear for a few seconds. Clicking on him will give you a bonus 100 points. I have included a screen shot of his location for every level.
Mini Games

Many of the actions performed will require a mini game. The first time the game occurs, there is a walk through of it. The faster you complete the mini game, the more tip you will earn.
Challenges and Challenge Levels:
All levels have a challenge to be completed, and there are challenge levels to complete. Challenges don't have to be completed in the regular story levels, but add points if you do complete it. Each challenge completed, whether in a challenge level or story level, earns a diamond.
Tip: Sometimes you can't both complete a challenge and get three stars in a story level. If this happens, you can play the level twice: once to complete the challenge and once to reach three stars.
Product Upgrades
Each product has varieties that you can unlock. Clicking on the item on the upgrade screen (which is shown before each level) will show you how many need to be sold to unlock the next variety. Once unlocked, you can choose to use the new product. Each product offers different bonuses, which you can read about on the product's page. To see the item options, click on "menu" at the beginning of the level.
Upgrade Screen
Each location has an upgrade screen which appears before each level. Here you can buy upgrades of your equipment. Click on the object and it will tell what bonus the upgrade will give.
Upgrade money comes from winning the levels: +50 for each star earned on each story level.
You will earn a trophy for purchasing all the upgrades.
Tip: You can complete the first shop without needing all the upgrades, so save your money for the second location and you can buy most of the upgrades right at the beginning.
Diamonds are earned by completing challenges and are used to purchase mementos. You will earn a trophy if you purchase all the mementos.
Trophies are earned for completing certain tasks, most of which occur simply by playing through the game. The trophies are in the form of items on Sally's table.Chapter 1: Sally's Salon

Level 1-1:
Challenge: No challenge for this level.
Coffee gives Sally a speed boost and gives a boost of patience to the customers. Click on the coffee cup; when the arrow is in the green part of the meter, click again. It takes some time to refill.
Mouse location:
Level 1-2:
Challenge: Get the first star in the first half of the day.
To make the hair color solution, first click on the bowl, then the sink, and then the purple comb.
Mouse location:
Level 1-3:
Challenge: Accept the deliveries.
To make the product basket, click on the basket, then on the products from left to right.
Mouse location:
Challenge Level 1: No Gossiping
Challenge: Don't use the coffee machine.
Level 1-4:
Challenge: Don't leave a station dirty for more than 15 seconds. The timer in the upper right hand corner will show how much time is left.
Mouse location:
Level 1-5:
Challenge: Monitor the radio by clicking on it when the exclamation point appears.
Note that there is a third option for product baskets.
Mouse location:
Level 1-6:
Challenge: Drink coffee three times.
Mouse location:
Challenge Level 2: Steady Does It
Challenge: Don't make any check out combos; in other words, don't check out more than one customer at a time.
Level 1-7:
Challenge: Set up the three Julio decorations by clicking on the exclamation point of each. You can stop Sally at any time by clicking on a product or the register. Just remember to send her back until the decorations are finished.
Mouse location:
Level 1-8:
Challenge: Don't let any customer leave mad.
Mouse location:
Level 1-9:
Challenge: Fix the television by clicking on it; this will send Francois to repair it. You can interrupt him at any time by clicking on a dirty station.
Mouse location:
Challenge Level 3: Such Tragic News
Challenge: Customers enter with only 2 hearts.
Level 1-10:
Challenge: Find all of Sally's items. Locations marked below:
Mouse location:
Chapter 2: Bahamas
Level 2-1:
Challenge: Get a 2x checkout combo by checking out two customers at a time.
Restock the coconuts from the pile in the upper left hand side of the salon.
Mouse location:
Level 2-2:
Challenge: Talk to Sally when she appears.
Mouse location:
Level 2-3:
Challenge: Score the complete 3 hearts on 3 different facials.
Mouse location:
Challenge Level 4: I'm So Excited, I Just Can't Hide It
Challenge: Don't stand still for more than 6 seconds. The timer in the upper right hand corner will let you know when you need to move.
Tip: Click on the cash register for Roxie to move to that location and reset the timer. This works even if she is already in front of the register.
Level 2-4:
Challenge: Score 10 quick bonuses.
Mouse location:
Level 2-5:
Challenge: Checkout 3 customers all together at once, a total of 3 times.
Tip: You'll have to make customers wait, and they may get angry. If you can't reach 3 stars while doing the challenge, play the level twice: once to get the challenge, and once ignoring the challenge to reach 3 stars.
Mouse location:
Level 2-6:
Challenge: Keep Sally focused by clicking on her when the exclamation point appears. Don't wait too long, or the color will run out of the meter and you'll loose the challenge.
Mouse location:
Challenge Level 5: Money Talks, I Listen
Challenge: checkout a customer once every 30 seconds or less.
Level 2-7:
Challenge: Clean up the trash; locations marked below.
Mouse location:
Level 2-8:
Challenge: Earn 3 stars.
Mouse location:
Level 2-9:
Challenge: Spend 20 seconds or less, all total, washing hair in the mini game.
Mouse location:
Challenge Level 6: Will I, or Won't I (Win)?
Challenge: Guess what the customers want based on the silhouettes.
Level 2-10:
Challenge: Don't throw away anything.
Mouse location:
Chapter 3: Mud Spa
Level 3-1:
Challenge: Keep beads on your tray for 1 minute; the timer will count down for you.
Mouse location:
Level 3-2:
Challenge: Attend to a customer within 7 seconds, 5 different times.
Mouse location:
Level 3-3:
Challenge: Keep a customer waiting by the fire for 30 seconds. The timer will help you keep track.
Tip: The easiest way is to not clean the bed until a bed customer has waited 30 seconds.
Mouse location:
Challenge Level 7: All Natural
Challenge: Memorize the orders before they fade.
Level 3-4:
Challenge: Make 30 items that require multiple steps (necklace, beads, mud/water combo).
Tip: Enough items will not be ordered, so you will have to make extra (beads are easiest) and then delete them from your tray.
Mouse location:
Level 3-5:
Challenge: Don't run out of stock of feathers or mud.
Mouse location:
Level 3-6:
Challenge: Build the mud castle by clicking on for Francois to build. Clicking on a dirty station will interrupt him; be sure to send him back to complete it in between cleaning.
Mouse location:
Level Challenge 8: The Heat is On
Challenge: Your tray spills regularly.
Level 3-7:
Challenge: Serve 8 mudpacks.
Mouse location:
Level 3-8:
Challenge: Ger 4 2-in-a-row combos.
Mouse location:
Level 3-9:
Challenge: Don't serve the same customer twice in a row.
Mouse location:
Challenge Level 9: A Patch Job
Challenge: The mud baths take longer to clean.
Level 3-10:
Challenge: Earn 2 stars one hour before closing time.
Mouse location:
Chapter 4: Luxury Yacht
Level 4-1:
Challenge: Don't loose any hearts during manicures.
Mouse location:
Level 4-2:
Challenge: Don't serve a customer for 30 seconds. The timer will keep track for you.
Mouse location:
Level 4-3:
Challenge: Don't stay still for more than 10 seconds.
Tip: Click the cash register to make Sally move to it; this works even if she is already in front of the register.
Mouse location:
Challenge Level 10: Breaking Badly
Challenge: The tray slowly breaks until you've only one spot.
Level 4-4:
Challenge: Don't keep anything on your tray for longer than 30 seconds. The timer will help you keep track.
Mouse location:
Level 4-5:
Challenge: Check out 8 customers within 45 seconds.
Tip: Wait to check out your customers until you have as many as possible stacked up. Then, check the rest out quickly. If you can't reach 3 stars because of angry customers, play it through twice: once to do the challenge, and once to reach 3 stars while ignoring the challenge.
Mouse location:
Level 4-6:
Challenge: Spend less than 25 seconds all total on mini games.
Tip: If you get too close to the time, let mini game customers get mad and leave. If you can't reach 3 stars because of angry customers, play it through twice: once to do the challenge, and once to reach 3 stars while ignoring the challenge.
Mouse location:
Level 4-7:
Challenge: Complete 8 counter orders as full orders.
Mouse location:
Challenge Level 11: Bestest Buddies
Challenge: Only counter customers for this level.
Level 4-8:
Challenge: Check out 3 customers with 3 hearts or less.
Tip: You'll need to let them wait at the counter until they loose their hearts.
Mouse location:
Level 4-9:
Challenge: Keep Fred away by clicking on him when he comes in the shop.
Mouse location:
Challenge Level 12:
Challenge: Clean 2 stations in a row, without performing any other actions, 4 times.
Level 4-10:
Challenge: Don't let any customer wait unattended for more than 20 seconds.
Mouse location:
Chapter 5: Hawaii
Level 5-1:
Challenge: Get 4 2x check out combos.
Mouse location:
Level 5-2:
Challenge: Find the tickets. Locations marked below.
Mouse location:
Level 5-3:
Challenge: Attend to Julie when she comes into the spa.
Mouse location:
Challenge Level 13: The Castaway
Challenge: Find Carl the mouse 10 times. He pops up in random places. Possible locations:
Level 5-4:
Challenge: Don't fill all four spots on your tray.
Mouse location:
Level 5-5:
Challenge: Serve Aaron.
Mouse location:
Level 5-6:
Challenge: Keep a basket with nail polish on your tray for 2 minutes.
Some bath products require BOTH petals now, so pay close attention to the order.
Mouse location:
Challenge Level 14: Aloha Mahalo
Challenge: Don't let anyone leave with less than 4 hearts.
Tip: If you have trouble with this challenge, lower the difficulty level.
Level 5-7:
Challenge: Accept the deliveries.
Mouse location:
Level 5-8:
Challenge: Don't run out of stock.
Mouse location:
Level 5-9:
Challenge: Have at least 4 different type of customer leave with 5 hearts.
Mouse location:
Challenge Level 15: Best Friends Forever
Challenge: Serve Carl the Mouse.
Level 5-10:
Challenge: Complete the Navigation Chart by finding the hidden items. Locations below:
Mouse location:
Chapter 6: Steam Spa
Level 6-1:
Challenge: Take care of Francois when the exclamation point appears over him.
To make the bag of herbs, first click on the herbs from left to right, then on the dryer, then on the rolling apparatus. Mint is restocked from the leaf in the upper left of the screen, ginseng from the upper right.
Mouse location:
Level 6-2:
Challenge: Don't leave the bed dirty for more than 8 seconds; the timer will help.
To make the herbal compress: click the herbs, the compress, the water jug, then the water pan. To refill the water, click on the water bucket that is to the upper right of the screen.
Mouse location:
Level 6-3:
Challenge: Make 7 packets of herbs.
Tip: You won't have 7 customers to order the herbal mixes, so you will need to make some extra and delete them from your tray.
Mouse location:
Challenge Level 16: Ocean Fresh
Challenge: Only one slot on the tray.
Level 6-4:
Challenge: Make sure at least 10 customers leave with 5 hearts.
Mouse location:
Level 6-5:
Note: Herbal compresses can now be pink.
Note: Herb bags may now contain all three herbs.
Challenge: Find the newspapers. Locations marked below.
Note: Sally will actually have to walk over and pick up the newspaper, so it takes a bit of time.
Mouse location:
Level 6-6:
Challenge: Keep Juan company. You can click on him at any time, or wait until the exclamation appears. The meter will run down; be sure to click on him before it does
Mouse location:
Challenge Level 17:
Challenge: Customers only request services.
Level 6-7:
Challenge: Get 15 quick bonuses.
Mouse location:
Level 6-8:
Challenge: Earn 3 stars.
Mouse location:
Level 6-9:
Challenge: Use coffee 5 times.
Tip: If you use the coffee immediately when the level starts, you'll have enough time to use it 5 times.
Mouse location:
Challenge Level 18:
Challenge: Using coffee adds to your score.
Level 6-10:
Challenge: Don't let a customer leave with 2 hearts or less.
Mouse location:
Thank you.. but I can't play in windowed mode is there any solution
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, but I don't know. You could try messaging them on their Facebook page; they responded to me when I had a question.