This game offers a very nice tutorial at the beginning. Even if you are very familiar with time management games, I recommend you play through the tutorial to accustom yourself to the gameplay.

Game hints are also available and will walk you through any new features of the game.
Tip: If you put something on your tray that you don't want, click on it to remove it.
Bonuses: Checking out two patients in a row gives you a +1 bonus, three or more patients in a row gives a bonus of +2 at checkout.
Gold heart patients give an addition bonus of +1 at checkout. Treating multiple patients in a row gives a Treatment Chain bonus of +1 per patient.
You can also earn an extra heart by getting a quick bonus. The color on the thought balloon shows the quick bonus; when all the color is drained out, the bonus is gone.
Each level offers a challenge which is a bonus task to be completed. You can still pass the level without completing the challenge, but if you do complete it you will gain a diamond at the end of the level. Hearts are also added to your score for completing a challenge.
There are five Challenge Levels per department. These do not advance the story and may be skipped if you wish, but if you do complete it you will gain up to three diamonds (depending on your score) at the end of the level. Oliver the guinea pig is not in the challenge levels.
For each challenge you complete (regular level or challenge level), you will earn diamonds. These are used to purchase decorations for Allison's apartment.
For each star you earn when you complete a level, you will earn 100 credits of shopping money. This will allow you to upgrade the departments in the Shop. You do not earn shopping money from completing challenge levels. You will need to replay levels to earn enough money for all the upgrades.
For each star you earn when you complete a level, you will earn 100 credits of shopping money. This will allow you to upgrade the departments in the Shop. You do not earn shopping money from completing challenge levels. You will need to replay levels to earn enough money for all the upgrades.
Mini Games
Many of the medical actions performed will require a mini game. The first time the game occurs, there is a walk through of it. The faster you complete the mini game, the more hearts your patient will gain. Each location has a separate set of mini games that are appropriate to the department.
Oliver the guinea pig
Oliver appears in each of the regular levels. He will make a "squeak squeak" sound when he pops up. Clicking on him will give +10 points. If you don't find him, he will come back throughout the level. A screenshot of his location will be provided for each level.
Tip: For some strange reason, if you repeat a level, Oliver will not make a sound when he appears.
Trophies are earned in the form of pictures of characters from the game.Michael: Have an item on your tray before it's requested. See level 2.
Level 1:
Challenge: earn one star; easily done as you play the level.
To make the teddy bear with cast, first click on the bear, then on the cast.
Oliver's location:
Level 2:
Challenge: Restock 3 inhalers.
Tip: Inhalers are restocked from the cart below the thermometer. If you don't serve enough inhalers to restock three, you can always put one on your tray, then delete it by clicking on it. Then, restock it.
Tip: This is a good level to earn the trophy "Michael" by having an item on your tray before it is requested. Simply put an inhaler on your tray, and someone will ask for it.
Oliver's location:
Challenge 1:
Challenge: Points are only earned for catching Oliver. He appears all over the scene; click on as many as you can find.
Level 3:
Challenge: Make 3 check out combos.
Tip: A combo is more than one patient at a time.
Tip: The game console (on the top shelf) has to charge before it can be given to a patient. Charge it (by clicking on it) as soon as the level starts and put another on the charger as soon as you pick up one.
Tip: If you've not already purchased the Bear's Anatomy in the store, it would be good to do so for this level.
Oliver's location:
Level 4:
Challenge: Keep Ryan hydrated; don't let the meter run out. Click on him as it gets lower, to fill it back up.
Oliver's location:
Challenge 2:
Challenge: The heart score runs down and has to be replenished. Keep the patients as happy as possible to achieve three stars.
Level 5:
Challenge: Get 24 quick bonuses.
Oliver's location:
Level 6:
Challenge: Build the set by clicking on it and leaving Allison there until it is completed.
Tip: You can interrupt her at any time by clicking on a station. Just be sure to send her back between patients until it is completed.
Teddy bears can now have bandages instead of a cast, so pay close attention to the request. Click on the bandage next to the cast.
Otoscopes can now be requests and are restocked the same as inhalers.
Oliver's location:
Challenge 3:
Challenge: Timothy needs a lot of attention, plus all the regular patients.
Level 7:
Challenge: Accept the files from Ryan by clicking on him.
Oliver's location:
Level 8:
Teddy bears can be dressed as pirates now, by choosing the eye patch next to the bandage.
Challenge: Find the toys.
Oliver's location:
Challenge 4:
Challenge: Only mini-games are in this level.
Level 9:
Challenge: Earn 16 hearts from the measuring mini-game.
Oliver's location:
Challenge 5:
Challenge: Serve food with Emily.
To make coffee or tea, click on the cup, then click again when the meter hand is in the green. If you let it go into the red, it will spill and you'll have to start over.
Level 10:
Challenge: Don't delete anything from the tray.
Oliver's location:
Level 11:
Challenge: Don't let Ryan leave; click on him when he gets up.
Tip: The vials and the petri dish will have to be prepared (by clicking on it) before you give it to a patient. It's best to already have them prepared in advance.
Oliver's location:
Challenge 6:
Challenge: Clean up the mess.
Level 12:
Challenge: Deliver the vials to Ruth.
Tip: Make up another one as soon as you deliver one to Ruth so that it will be ready.
Restock the injections from the tray on the counter.
Oliver's location:
Level 13:
Challenge: Find the files by clicking on the exclamation point at the file cabinet. You can interrupt Allison at any time by clicking on a station. Keep sending her back to finish in between patients.
Oliver's location:
Challenge 7:
Challenge: Points are earned by clicking on the Olivers.
Level 14:
Challenge: Check out 10 patients with golden hearts.
Tip: Serve patients as quickly as possible. Also, use the cube toy to raise hearts on patients.
Oliver's location:
Level 15:
Challenge: Do the tests with Ruth; click on her when she comes into the room.
Oliver's location:
Challenge 8:
Challenge: Cure as many patients as possible for a high score.
Level 16:
Challenge: Accept the messages that come on the toy trucks.
Oliver's location:
Level 17:
Challenge: Never have more than 1 item on your tray.
Oliver's location:
Challenge 9:
Challenge: Serve food with Emily.
Level 18:
Challenge: Recollect the day by clicking on the photo when the exclamation point appears.
Oliver's location:
Level 19:
Challenge: Restock 12 items.
Tip: You won't have enough requests for swabs and injections to complete this challenge with normal game play. You will need to fill the tray with these items and delete them several times to be able to restock enough.
Oliver's location:
Challenge 10:
Challenge: Only mini-games in this level.
Level 20:
Challenge: Get 20 quick check out bonuses.
Oliver's location:
Burn -Unit
Level 21:
Challenge: Earn the first star in the first half of the shift.
The bandages are located under the check-out desk.
Oliver's location:
Challenge 11:
Challenge: Patients enter with only two hearts and you must gain a large score.
Level 22:
Challenge: Do the treatments on Allison and Mathilda when they request it.
Oliver's location:
Level 23:
Challenge: Don't let any patients leave with less than 4 stars.
Oliver's location:
Challenge 12:
Challenge: Help Emily serve the food.
Level 24:
Challenge: Receive the boxes from the delivery man; he'll have an exclamation point over his head.
To make skin grafts, click on the machine that is above the check out counter.
Tip: Always make one after you take one off the machine. That way there is always one ready, and you don't have to wait.
Oliver's location:
Level 25:
Challenge: Don't walk more than 500 steps.
Tip: I had to play this level through twice to earn the third star: once only walking 500 steps (and earning 2 stars) and once ignoring the challenge to earn 3 stars.
Oliver's location:
Challenge 13:
Challenge: Find as many Olivers as possible.
Level 26:
Challenge: Make the stuffed animals. Click on one of the four piles of fabric for Mathilda to pick it up. She and Allison will then sew. When they are done, click on another pile. Locations marked below.
The spray bottle for burns is located on the table behind the check out counter.
Oliver's location:
Level 27:
Challenge: Check out 18 patients with gold hearts.
Tip: Use the magazine table to raise the hearts of patients waiting.
Oliver's location:
Challenge 14:
Challenge: Only mini-games in this challenge.
Level 28:
Challenge: Treat Alli 8 times.
Tip: No noise will sound when Alli needs treatment so be on the lookout for the exclamation point over her.
Oliver's location:
Level 29:
Challenge: Don't let the waiting chairs fill up. This challenge was difficult; I had to play it through several times to accomplish it.
Tip: Use the magazine table. If you need to, lower the difficulty setting for this one level.
Oliver's location:
Challenge 15:
Challenge: Victor will replace the real products with another variety. Click on the product to change it back. Then, click on the replacement that is on your tray to delete it.
Level 30:
Challenge: Treat patients within 15 seconds of each other.
Oliver's location:
Maternity Ward:
Level 31:
Challenge: Complete 15 treatments in one minute.
The giraffe toys need to be restocked from those under the counter.
To make the baby clothes, click first on the onesie, then the socks.
Oliver's location:
Challenge 16:
Challenge: Help Emily serve food in the cafeteria.
Level 32:
Challenge: Clean up the mess. Locations marked below.
Oliver's location:
Level 33:
Challenge: Walk 600 steps.
Tip: You can send Allison back and forth between stations that have no patients to increase her steps.
Oliver's location:
Challenge 17:
Challenge: Find as many Oliver's as possible.
Level 34:
Challenge: Cheer up the baby. It will make a crying sound and have an exclamation point over it.
Oliver's location:
Level 35:
Challenge: Get a at least one gold heart for each patient type.
Oliver's location:
Challenge 18:
Challenge: clean up the mess by clicking on each dirty diaper.
Level 36:
Challenge: Allison will occasionally fall asleep; tap to wake her.
Oliver's location:
Level 37:
Challenge: Make the phone calls when the exclamation point appears.
Tip: The phone doesn't make any noise when the exclamation point appears, so you have to pay close attention to the phone to notice.
Oliver's location:
Challenge 19:
Challenge: Only mini-games in this level.
Level 38:
Challenge: Earn 15 hearts by changing diapers.
Tip: You will only have 5 requests for diapers, so you will need to earn 3 stars each time.
Oliver's location:
Level 39:
Challenge: Cheer up Sophia; don't let the meter run out. Click on her to fill up the meter.
Oliver's location:
Challenge 20:
Challenge: Help as many as possible.
Level 40:
Challenge: Make up the excuses by clicking on the papers when the exclamation point appears.
Tip: It will not make any sound, so you'll have to keep an eye on the papers.
Oliver's location:
Intensive Care
Level 41:
Challenge: Earn 12 hearts by adjusting beds.
Tip: You will only have 4 patients request bed adjustments, so you must get 3 stars on each one.
Oliver's location:
Challenge 21:
Challenge: Serve food in the canteen.
Level 42:
Challenge: Send visitors to the chairs within 10 seconds of them arriving.
Oliver's location:
Level 43:
Challenge: Don't let Allison walk too much; the meter will show you when she needs to take a break.
Oliver's location:
Challenge 22:
Challenge: Find as many Olivers as you can.
Level 44:
Challenge: Check out 3 gold hearts at once, a total of 5 times
Oliver's location:
Level 45:
Challenge: Deliver the cart within 10 seconds of the request.
Oliver's location:
Challenge 23:
Challenge: All the beds are malfunctioning.
Tip: You don't need to fix the bed until you need to perform a service for the patient. Beds can be left malfunctioning at the end of the level.
Level 46:
Challenge: Perform the tests on Mathilda. Send Allison back and forth to Mathilda in between patients.
Tip: I had to play this through twice: once to complete the challenge, and once without playing the challenge to get 3 stars.
Oliver's location:
Level 47:
Challenge: Speak with the staff members when the have exclamation points over their heads.
Oliver's location:
Challenge 24:
Challenge: Only mini-games this level.
Level 48:
Challenge: Don't stand still for longer than 13 seconds. The timer on the top right will show you how long you have before she needs to move.
Tip: You can click on any bed, regardless of whether they need help, to make Allison move.
Oliver's location:
Level 49:
Challenge: Give the medicine to Mathilda by clicking on her when the meter gets low. Don't let the meter run out.
Oliver's location:
Challenge 25:
Challenge: The janitor changes the chairs around. If there are visitors in the chairs, they will be moved, too.
Tip: The screen goes dark when the janitor changes the chairs.
Level 50:
Challenge: Prepare Mathilda for surgery; keep Sophia returning to her between patients until the meter is filled.
Oliver's location:
Level 51:
Challenge: Take the paperwork when he brings it in; he'll have an exclamation point over his head.
Tip: You can have 3 patients on the couch at one time.
Oliver's location:
Challenge 26:
Challenge: Selma requires a lot of treatment.
Level 52:
Challenge: Evaluate Allison when the exclamation point appears over her head.
Oliver's location:
Level 53:
Challenge: Collect 30 hearts playing mini-games.
Tip: You will have to get 3 hearts on each mini-game to meet this challenge. I had to lower the difficulty to beginner to complete the challenge.
Oliver's location:
Level 27:
Challenge: Serve food with Emily.
Level 54:
Challenge: Deliver the requested books before the color drains from the thought balloon.
Prescriptions will come over the fax machine and be requested by patients. The fax machine will make a noise; click on it to add the prescription to the stack.
Oliver's location:
Level 55:
Challenge: Get 30 quick check out bonuses.
Oliver's location:
Level 28:
Challenge: Find as many Olivers as possible.
Level 56:
Challenge: Never have more than 2 people on the couch at a time.
Oliver's location:
Level 57:
Challenge: Help Sam with the paperwork when the exclamation point appears.
Oliver's location:
Challenge 29:
Challenge: Patients request items not in the clinic.
Tip: Just click on them and they'll be taken care of by Allison without having to get anything.
Level 58:
Challenge: Walk more than 1800 steps. The meter will show you how many steps you have walked.
Tip: Send Sam to stations even without patients if you need more steps.
Oliver's location:
Level 59:
Challenge: Give the samples to Ruth when she has an exclamation point.
Oliver's location:
Challenge 30:
Challenge: Points are earned by playing the mini-games.
Level 60:
Challenge: Don't let patients leave with less than 3 hearts.
Oliver's location:
how to finish the challenge on level 28? i've tried many times on that level but still can't completed the challenge :(
ReplyDeleteAn exclamation point will appear over Allie's head, but no sound will chime. You'll have to keep your eye on Allie. When it appears, click on Allie, and her mother will walk over and get the cream, walk back and put it on Allie.
DeleteIt's a busy level, so I'd advise not trying for a high score, just a passing score, and keep your eyes on Allie. Once you've completed the challenge, you can go back and play the level again for three stars.
Hope this helps!
Getting the challenge on Level 53 is almost IMPOSSIBLE! That damn horshack minigame just plain sucks!!
ReplyDeleteI remember it being hard! I did finally get it, but I don't have any strategy for it except to keep trying! The more you do that dratted minigame, the easier it should become. I think, though, that this was the hardest challenge of the bunch!
Deleteit is so hard! I keep trying to get that horshack thing and I get it but not before the third star has run out and it seems you have to get each minigame with 3 stars in order to get the challenge. I think I'll wait a couple of days and try again
DeleteI went back and replayed it. It IS so hard! I did get three stars, but to do so, I had to lower the difficulty to beginner, which gives them a little more patience. Good luck!
DeleteWhat's the heart booster station needed to get Ruth's mom in the Trophies??