Friday, March 11, 2016

"Gardens Inc.: From Rakes to Riches" Walkthrough and Tips

Gardens Inc, : From Rakes to Riches is a time/resource management game in which you collect and use resources to build beautiful gardens.

The first levels contain an excellent tutorial. The tutorial part of the level can be skipped if you wish.  However, if you are not familiar with the Gardens Inc, games, I recommend you play it.  Any time a new feature is introduced, the game will walk you through it, as well.

Note: When you complete the last goal, the chapter automatically finishes.  If you want to collect extra resources to increase your score, you must do it before you complete that last goal.  Any tasks queued up after the last goal is completed will be ignored.

Tip: You can queue as many actions as you have resources available to complete.  When you have more than one worker, the next available worker will begin the next task in the queue.

Tip: You can right click to cancel the next action.  You can continue to right click until all your queued actions have been cancelled.

Tip: The level timer does not begin until you make your first click.  Take a moment to read the goals and plan out your first moves.

Tip: You may not have to repair all the paths to complete the level.  Pay attention to your goals so that you won't waste time and resources needlessly repairing paths or bridges.

Tip: Do not upgrade your truck until you have enough tasks available to need more than one person.  Otherwise, you will have one person not doing anything and may have wasted resources that you will need for another task.


Each level completed earns a score.  You receive a bonus to your store for unused resources, for completing the bonus goal, and also for time left on the timer. Your score earns you money that can be used for buying renovations to the villa.

You will achieve a gold trophy on the map for each level that you complete in "gold time" (before the gold bar of the timer runs out).

You can replay a level to improve your time to gold time; if you improve your score to gold time, you will get that bonus money.

Bonus Goals:
Beginning with the second chapter, there is a bonus goal.  The goal is given in the form of a clue that must be solved.  The bonus goal clues and solutions will be listed below for each chapter.


By completing the level and earning bonuses, you gain money to renovate the villa.  To see the price of a new item, hover the mouse over it.

Hover over the trophy to see a descriptions; they are all self-explanatory.  You will earn most of the trophies simply by completing the game.

One exception is "Easy Come, Easy Go" (have at least 15 resources and loose them all).  I could not figure out how to gain this trophy.  If you have, I'd love to know how!

Tips and Bonus Goal Answers 

Chapter 1
There is no bonus goal in this chapter.  Follow the tutorial instructions and learn how to play the game.

Chapter 2
Clue:This garden's owner likes ordered plants.
Solution: Make your flowers match the ones already in the garden.

Chapter 3
Clue: What is this owner's favorite plant pattern?
Solution: The owner likes chess, so plant the flowers in a chess board pattern.  See screen shot below.

Chapter 4
Clue: Blue and white flowers.  No more, no less!
Solution: Plant two blue flowers and two white flowers.

Chapter 5
Clue: Flowers in a group should have similar colors.
Solution: Plant only the yellow or orange flowers.

Chapter 6
Clue: You can only use two types of flowers.
Solution: Use two colors and plant one of each color in the pairs of boxes.  See below.

Chapter 7
Clue:  A hard labyrinth should have many identical areas.
Solution: Make your plant areas match each other.  The easiest way to do this is to plant all the flowers the same color.

Note: Each of the pylons (obelisks) opens a different gate.  The pylon and the gate it opens are circled in the same color below.

Chapter 8
Clue: What plant pattern would fit this hotel.
Solution: The motel is decorated in orange and yellow stripes, so make one row of orange and one row of yellow flowers.

Chapter 9
Clue:  Can one color fit all plants?
Solution: Plant only yellow flowers.

Tip: Build the stone shack before you build any of the other buildings, as you will need a lot of stone to get seeds.

Tip: It is not necessary to build the stone-for-tools exchange outpost if you upgrade your tool shack.

Tip:  Build the wood shack before you upgrade your tool shack, as you can run out of wood and not have enough to build the shack.

Chapter 10
Clue:  A pair for each tree.  The symmetry.
Solution: Make matching pairs for each tree.

Tip: Trees need to be watered three times.

Chapter 11
Clue:  A match made in ghost town.
Solution: Plant only yellow flowers.

Chapter 12
Clue:  The middle one is always different.
Solution: Make the two outside plants the same color and the middle one a different color,

Tip: Build the stone shack before you repair the stone bridge, or you will not have enough stone.

Chapter 13

There is no bonus goal in this level.

Each pylon opens a different set of gates.  The are marked below, with the pylon in one color and the gates it opens in the same color.  Open the gates in this order: yellow, red, blue.

Chapter 14
Clue:  Show them all you've got.
Solution: Plant one of each color in each variety.

Tip: Don't build the rail bridge before you build the stone shack, or you won't have enough stone to build the stone shack.

Tip: Don't upgrade your shacks before you build the wood shack, or you won't have enough wood to build it.

Chapter 15
Clue:   Not allowed: same flowers next to each other.
Solution: Very easy clue; just make sure not to place identical flowers side by side.

Chapter 16
Clue:   Think about stripes.
Solution: Make the first and third rows the same color so as to make a striped pattern.

Chapter 17
There is no bonus goal in this level.

Tip: Take the path to the left first, and build the wood shack first or you will run out of wood before you can build it.

Tip: Build the stone stairs on the right (leading to the wood-for-stone exchange outpost) before you build the stairs on the left or you'l run out of stone and have no way to replenish it.

Chapter 18
Clue: Create a symmetry.
Solution:  Make the two sides match.

Chapter 19
Clue:  Keep the closest ones coherent.
Solution: Make the set of two flowers match and make the set of three flowers match.  You could, of course, just make all of the flowers the same color.

Tip: Build the pier and the seed shack before you build the watering shack.

Chapter 20
Clue:  Plant an even number of each flower used.
Solution: Plant the round planters with the same color (4 total) and the square planters with the same color (6 total) to keep the numbers even.

Chapter 21
Clue:  Four sections, each with two.
Solution: The planters are located in four separate sections.  Use two colors in each section.  Example below.

Chapter 22
Clue: East and West. Two different cultures.
Solution: Make the flowers on the right (the east) one color and those on the left (the west) a different color.

Tip: Don't upgrade your wood shack for the second time until you have built the stone shack, or you will run out of stone and have no way to replenish it.

Chapter 23
Clue: Similarities attract each other.
Solution: Use the same flowers for the pairs.  For the set of three and two flowers, make them the pink and red.

Chapter 24
Clue:  Use everything you can.
Solution:  Use every variety.

Tip: Work your way to the wood shack first so that you can upgrade your other shacks.

Chapter 25
Clue:  Every island has a different name and. . . ?
Solution: Give each island different flowers.

Tip: Build the wood shack first so you'll have enough wood.

Tip: The ravens do not flock around the flower beds.  You'll need to keep an eye out for one to land at the seed shack.  You must chase away three to win the level.

Chapter 26
Clue: Mix up the crowd, will ya?
Solution: Don't have the same flowers next to each other and do use all the varieties.

Tip: The crows will steal your seeds, so be sure to click on a crow when it lands to send the hunter to chase it off.

Chapter 27
Clue: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15: What do they have in common?
Solution: Plant three of one color and three of another.

Tip: Build the two exchange shacks before you do the second upgrade to the seed shack or build the pier.

Chapter 28
Clue: It's an odd garden. . .
Solution: Plant flowers in odd number amounts, with all three round flower beds being planted in the same color, one square bed in one color and the other three square beds in a different color.

Chapter 29
Activate pylons 3 and 5 to open all the silver gates and 4 and  6 to open some of the gold gates.  Then activate pylon 9, to open the last gold gate.

Chapter 30
Clue:  The outside is always different from the inside.
Solution: Plant one color around the outside of the square and a different color in the inside.

Chapter 31
Clue:   Welcome to the beach, home of exotic islands!
Solution:  Make the islands different from the beach by planting one color of each plant on the beach and one on the islands.

Chapter 32
Clue:   Break the mirror.
Solution: Make sure that your color designs are not identical.

Tip: To achieve expert, you will need to get several watches from the exchange.

Chapter 33
Clue:   Two by two by two by two. . .
Solution:  Plant in pairs of the same color.

Chapter 34
Clue:  A pair is not a winning combination.
Solution:  Don't make matching pairs of plants.

Tip: The burglars will steal your resources, so work your way to the security shack first.

Chapter 35
Clue: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10: They are the answer!
Solution: Plant 4 of one color and 4 of the other.  Alternatively, you could just plant them all the same color, for an even number of 8,

Chapter 36
Clue:  Don't hold anything back.
Solution:  Use all three colors.

Chapter 37
Clue:  The south team!  The north team!
Solution: Make the flowers of the south (the bottom half) one color and the flowers in the north (the top half) a different color.

Tip: There is no need to build the time-for-seeds shack.

Tip: Utilize the cash-for-time shack if you want to finish in gold time.

Chapter 38
Clue: Time to be economic.
Solution: Use just one color of each flower type.

Tip: First, work you way to the general shack at the bottom right, so that you can get the wood that you'll need.  Then clear to the seeds on the right hand of the screen.  Next, work your way to the security shack.

Tip: If you build all three gold statues, you won't need to build the exchange shack.

Chapter 39
Clue: A theme is what's required to win.
Solution:  Use plants that are a similar color.  I used red and orange.

Tip: You will need to make at least one truck upgrade so that you'll have enough workers to run between the exchange shacks.

Chapter 40
Clue:  How similar are the two gardens?
Solution: Make the two gardens different from each other.

Chapter 41
Clue:   The path must act as a mirror.
Solution:  Make the two sides mirror each other.

Tip: It was not necessary to build the seed shack, as the general shack gave enough seeds.

Chapter 42
Clue:    Here's your clue: it's 6 o'clock.
Solution:  Make the one in the 6 o'clock position differ from the rest.

Chapter 43
Clue:  The world is so colorful!
Solution:  Use all available colors.

Chapter 44
Clue:   This place could use a bit of warmth.
Solution: Use a warm color (red).

Chapter 45
There is no bonus goal for this level.

Tip: You have plenty of time, so watch the guards and learn their movement patterns before sending Mike into an area.

Tip: You can turn off the alarms in any order.

Chapter 46
Clue:   This garden has to be uneven.
Solution:  Don't plant more than one of any color.

Tip: First, block the fumerole closest to the pylon.  Next block the one on the upper left.

Chapter 47
Clue:   Just one color is required.
Solution: Use just one color for all your plants.

Tip: You won't need to buy the seed shack, as the general shack will provide enough seeds.

Tip: If you won't to complete the level in gold time, you will need to build the exchange-for-time shack.

Chapter 48
Clue:  Three stripes are needed.
Solution: Arrange your plants in pairs of the same color to make it look like three stripes.

Tip: It is not necessary to build the security shack, since your resource shacks are close to the truck and therefore can be reached quickly.

Chapter 49
Clue:   The same, yet different.
Solution:  Use a similar color for the flowers in the groups--one set in the purplish color, one in the reddish and one in the yellowish.

Chapter 50
There is no bonus goal for this level.

Tip: Get the amount of stone you need first, then work on money and tools.


  1. I followed several times the color of flowers to get bonus on 26. Never works. Somebody help me! WTF am I doing wrong!!!!????

    1. I wish I could help! If you've followed by screenshot, and it doesn't work, I'm clueless!

    2. Hi, for 26 level the flower pattern I use is at the upper left red/yellow. At the bottom right, starting on the left I use Blue/Blue/Red/Yellow/Purple/Red. I hope that helps

  2. Same happens for me i copied the exact flower arrangement on level 26 but still not achieved im clueless too

  3. So, i bought the full version of the Gardens Inc 3, but then the best score wont popped up when i reached level 17, so i tried to reinstall but still it wont work even after i played from level 1 again. Can anyone help me to fix this issue? its really annoying specially when you bought a game with real money :( thankyou anyway

    1. What exactly is the problem you are having? I know that on this game, level 17 doesn't have a bonus goal, if that's what you're not seeing.

      Otherwise. . .Have you contacted support from where you bought it? I know that Gamehouse is really good about responding (though it does take a while). If that is where you bought it I would definitely contact them.


    1. I am sorry that you are disappointed with the game, but please realize that I have nothing to do with the development, design, or selling of this game. I simply played it and wrote a walkthrough based on my personal experience. If you have problems, you should contact the developers or the seller of the game.


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