Thursday, March 3, 2016

"Delicious: Emily's Wonder Wedding" Walkthrough and Tips


Delicious: Emily's Wonder Wedding is a time management game in which you prepare food and serve it to customers.  This game will walk you through the first level, giving you a tutorial of sorts by showing game hints.  If you are an experienced player of the Delicious games, you can turn off game hints in the settings.

Customers order food and pay for it.  When a customer is waiting to pay you will see an image of bills and coins; the coins represent the tip.  The higher the customer happiness, the greater the tip.  Unfortunately, the customers don't have happiness levels shown by a number of hearts next to them as many other games do, so you have to pay attention to customer facial expressions to know how they are feeling.  You will know if a customer has maximum happiness (is ecstatic) because there will be a pulsing heart next to his head.  If a customer is angry, his face becomes red.  If he becomes furious it is shown by a storm cloud; a furious customer needs to be served immediately or he will leave and you will be penalized -50.  .Customers will become impatient and pay lower tips if they have to wait in line behind other customers for too long.

Customers with full happiness:

Angry customers:

When a customer arrives at the counter to pay, a thought bubble will show a stack of money and a stack of coins.  The coins are the tip amount; as a customer decreases in happiness the tip amount will decrease as well

As you play, you will get to know your customers and their level of patience.  The overweight customers (know as "Foodies") and the Senior customers have the most patience and can be made to wait so you can make combos.  Kids have the least patience.

Doing the same action twice or three times in a row (chaining) will help you achieve higher scores.
Chains can be earned by having two or three orders prepared on your tray, and serving them to the customers without an interruption* to do another task.  Serving two customers gets you the a bonus of  +11, while serving three customers gets a bonus of  +16.  Chaining can also occur when using the cash register.  When you check out two customers at the same time, you get a combo bonus for +11, three customers together give a bonus of +20; in the last restaurant you can check out four at at time for a +30 bonus.  Note that this is not two customers in a row, but rather at the same time.  When customers are ready to pay, they will stand at the counter; wait until you have two or three waiting to pay and one click of the cash register will take care of them all at once.
*Serving customer orders can be interrupted by using the cash register, and the chain will not be broken.

Tip: Plan to serve complete orders only, as doing this will give you a bonus of +5 per table or counter customer.

How to remove an item from you tray,  If you make a mistake and put something on your tray that you don't need, click on it and it will be removed from the tray.

Tip: There is an extra tasty tip for items that have earned the extra tasty bonus.  This comes after serving the item an unknown number of times. The item that is working toward the extra tasty bonus will have a meter below it that will fill up as you serve that item.  When the bonus is earned, there will be a coin on the bottom right of the food item, and customers will give you a +2 bonus each time it is served.  When the bonus is first earned, you get a +100 added to your score.

Tip: If you have trouble achieving expert score on a level, go back and play it again when most of your food has become extra tasty. 

Certain days have events, which are tasks that need to be performed.  If there are multiple parts to the task, a +20 or +25 will be added for each completed part.  The fully completed event will give a +100 or +150 to your score.  If you don't complete the task, the level can still be won.

Entertainers become available eventually in each restaurant.  To use an entertainer, click on the entertainer and then the table you want the entertainer to visit.  The entertainer will entertain for a few seconds and then that table will gain a heart; you will hear a particular sound that signals that happiness has been gained.  Using an entertainer will not prevent a customer from loosing a heart.

Tip: Using an entertainer is especially helpful when you have a table waiting at the cash register so that you can have two or three tables pay at the same time for the bonus.

The mouse will appear in each level. He appears for a few seconds, and you'll know he is there by the chittery-mousy sound that happens each time he shows up. You will be rewarded +100 for clicking on him.  If you don't find him right away, he will continue to come back until the end of the level.  A screenshot has been provided for each level to show the mouse location.  (In some levels you will be able to see the mouse hole and know in advance where the mouse will appear.)


Decorations can be purchased in the shop.  You earn $100 for completing the level with the target score and another $100 for completing it with an expert score.  There is a different shop for each restaurant.  There is a description for each decoration which will tell you what bonus is gained from it. 

Tip: Save your decoration money through the first restaurant, as you won't really need upgrades during this restaurant.  Then, you'll be able to purchase all the decorations for the second restaurant at the beginning.

Invitation Challenge Levels

Instead of trophies, this game has invitation challenge levels.  A challenge level is included for every two regular levels.  By completing the challenge, one of Emily's friends gets invited to the wedding and that friend's picture is shown on the invitations page.  I have not included a walkthrough for these levels at this time.

Tip: If you are having a hard time winning the challenge levels, wait to play them until you have finished all the levels in that restaurant and have several "extra tasty" items.  The extra tasty bonus can help you gain enough points,

Emily's Terrace

Emily's Terrace: Episode 1, Day 1

Customers will wait to buy flowers from Patrick, as well as sitting at the tables and standing at the counter for Emily.  To serve Patrick's customers, create the three flower bouquet by clicking three times on the flower.  The bouquet will then be on your tray.  Next, click the customer.  The bouquet will be removed from your tray and given to the customer, who will then walk to the counter to pay.

To make the sandwich, click first on the bread and then on the topping.

There is no cleaner yet, so Emily will have to clean the tables.  To clean a table, click on it and Emily will go and clean it.  Customers won't sit at a dirty table, so you will need to keep them clean to get more customers.
Tip: You don't have to wait until the customers have left to clean a table.  An exclamation point will appear over the table when a customer goes to check out, leaving the others at the table.  As soon as the exclamation point appears, you can clean the tables--even if there are still customers seated at the table.

Mouse location:

After this level, you will get to choose Emily's wedding dress.  The dress will feature later in the story, so choose the one you would like to see Emily wear.

Emily's Terrace: Episode 1, Day 2

Today Emily needs to put up the decoration and clean the terrace.  Click on the exclamation point and Emily will walk over and begin to work.  To interrupt her, click on any food item or the register. Keep sending her back when you are between customers until she finishes all three tasks.

Evelyn will clean tables now.

Mouse location:

Emily's Terrace: Episode 2, Day 1

Officer Jackson will show up once a level.  His patience is low, but he always orders two doughnuts, so it is easy to give him his order quickly.

Mouse location:

Emily's Terrace: Episode 2, Day 2

Today's task is to clean Snuggy.  Click on him for Emily to take him to the bath.  Clicking on any food item or the cash register will interrupt Emily, and she will go do that instead.  If you wait too long to send Emily back to him, Snuggy will jump out and run away, so you will have to click on him for Emily to carry him back to the bath.  Continue to send Emily to Snuggy in between customers until he is clean.

This level introduces the first "pourable" food.  Click on the ice cream machine, and then click on it again when the meter needle is in the green portion.  If you click too late, the ice cream will spill and you'll have to start again.  You can walk away from the machine while it is pouring and it won't spill over as long as you click the meter in time.  When you have clicked on the completed ice cream, then click on the chocolate to finish making the chocolate-covered ice cream cone.

Mouse location:

Emily's Terrace: Episode 3, Day 1

Three flower types are available now, and a mixed bouquet may be ordered.  To create a mixed bouquet, click on each flower in order from left to right.

Mouse location:

Emily's Terrace: Episode 3, Day 2

The task for today is to clean the windows.  You can interrupt Emily's cleaning by clicking on a food item or the register.

Francois is available as an entertainer now.

Mouse location:

Emily's Terrace: Episode 4, Day 1

Mouse location:

Emily's Terrace: Episode 4, Day 2

The task for today is to go through the boxes.  You can interrupt Emily at any time by clicking on food or the register.

Jelly beans are now available.  Click on the machine to create a stack of three bags.  Click on the bag to pick up one for your customer.

Mouse location:

Emily's Terrace: Episode 5, Day 1

Another topping is available for ice cream now.

Mouse location:

Emily's Terrace: Episode 5, Day 2

Today's task is to pack the suitcases into the cab.  Click on the pile of suitcases and Emily will walk one to the cab.  Keep doing this until they are all in the cab.

Mouse location:

Flannery's Tavern

Flannery's Tavern: Episode 6, Day 1

Customers will request room keys, which are kept in a basket beside the cash register.  Customers will also return room keys, by placing them on the shelf beside the door (a bell will sound when this occurs).  You will need to retrieve these keys (by clicking on them) to refill the key basket when the basket is empty.  Customers getting and returning room keys don't pay at the counter, but you do get points added to your score for giving and retrieving the keys.

To fry eggs, click on the egg and it will go to the frying pan and cook.  The frying sound will stop when it is cooked.  You can walk away from it while it cooks, but don't wait too long to pick it up or it will burn.  When the egg is cooked, click on it and then on the topping to complete the dish.  You can cook an egg in each frying pan at the same time.

Sausages are made by clicking first the sausage and then the sauce.

Flannery will have to clean the tables today.

Mouse location:

Flannery's Tavern: Episode 6, Day 2

Emily is now serving, with Flannery cleaning tables.

Today's task is to put the photos in the album.  Click on the album and Emily will work on it.  You can interrupt her by clicking on any food item or the cash register.  Keep sending Emily back to work on the photos in between customers until the event is completed.

Mouse location:

Flannery's Tavern: Episode 7, Day 1

Customers can now request towels.  The customer will come to the foot of the stairs and ask for the towel.  Towels are found on the shelf by the door.  Click on the towel, then on the customer.  Delivering towels in a chain will not contribute to a combo bonus.  Customers will become angry if they have to wait too long.  The points earned for delivering towels depends on the happiness level of the customer.

Mouse location:

Flannery's Tavern: Episode 7, Day 2

The task for today is to accept the flower deliveries.  Click on Chuck the delivery man and Emily will get the flowers and take them to Patrick.  She will stay for a few minutes cutting flowers with Patrick.  If you wait too long to accept the delivery, Chuck will leave. 

You will get to choose Emily's bouquet at the end of the level.  It will appear in the invitations when you complete the final challenge.

Note: Each dress/bouquet combination results in a different pose by Emily and Patrick on the invitation page.

Mouse location:

Flannery's Tavern: Episode 8, Day 1

Soup is now available.  Click on the mug to add it to your tray.  You will need to stir the cauldron occasionally.  It will make a noise and an exclamation point will appear over it.  Click on it and Emily will walk over and stir it.  If you wait to long to click on it, the soup will boil over and Emily will have to clean the cauldron, which takes much longer than stirring.

Mouse location:

Flannery's Tavern: Episode 8, Day 2

Gillon and his dog, Bridin are now available as entertainers.

Today's task is to chase off the sheep.  Click on one and Emily will shoo it away. Some will wander in; do the same for them.

Mouse location:

Flannery's Tavern: Episode 9, Day 1

Customers can now request soap.  It is located on the shelf above the towels.

Mouse location:

Flannery's Tavern: Episode 9, Day 2

Today you will need to feed Desmond and Ashling.  Serve them all their requests before the green timer runs out.  Including their food in a serving chain will not result in a combo bonus.

Cider is now available.  Click on the keg, and then click on it again when the meter needle is in the green portion.  If you click too late, the cider will spill and you'll have to start again.  You can walk away from the keg while the cider is pouring and it won't spill over as long as you click the meter in time. 

Mouse location:

Flannery's Tavern: Episode 10, Day 1

Mouse location:

Flannery's Tavern: Episode 10, Day 2

Today's task is to wake the musician when he falls asleep.  You'll hear him snore when he does.  Click on him and Emily will awaken him.

Mouse location:

Gillon's Farm

Gillon's Farm: Episode 11, Day 1

Sheep, yarn and wool products are introduced.  To get yarn, the sheep must be sheared.  Click on the sheep and Emily will shear the wool into the basket where it is now yarn (you can have a stack of six).  To make socks and scarves, click the ball of yarn and it will go onto the spinning wheel and make on sock and one scarf. You can have a maximum of three at a time. (On a side note, watch the little lambs play; they are adorable!)

Tip:  Start out the level by shearing and spinning first thing, before your customers start, to have several socks/scarves on hand. 

Tip: When you go to pick up a scarf or sock, click on the yarn and let it make another while you walk away.

Bread with toppings is served in this restaurant.  Click on the bread slice, then the topping.

Emily has to clean the tables today, so plan your moves accordingly.

At the end of this level, you will get to choose Emily's wedding ring.

Mouse location:

Gillon's Farm: Episode 11, Day 2

Emily still has to clean the tables today, so plan accordingly.

The task today is to help Flannery with the tools.  He will request a certain tool.  Click on it and Emily will pick it up and put it on her tray.  Click on Flannery to take the tool to him.  Including a tool in a chain will not result in a combo bonus.

Tool locations:

Mouse location:

Gillon's Farm: Episode 12, Day 3

Fish are now available.  A fish will pop up out of the water, making a splashing sound.  Click on it to catch it and add it to your stack.  You can have a stack of six at a time. The fish will go back under the water if you don't click it quickly. To cook a fish, click on it and it will go to the grill.  The sizzling sound will stop when it cooked.  Don't wait too long to take it off the grill or it will burn.  Two fish can be cooked at a time.

Flannery will clean tables now.

Mouse location:

Gillon's Farm: Episode 12, Day 2

Today's task is to pick eight lucky clovers. They will appear on the grass, proceeded by a popping sound.  Click on one and it will be added to the basket.  You have to be quick, as they'll wither and disappear in a few seconds. Only the clovers with four leaves will count towards the task.

Mouse location:

Gillon's Farm: Episode 13, Day 1

Lucky clovers are on the menu now.  They will appear on the grass, but without the noise now.  Click on one and it will go into the basket.  It will eventually wither and take a few seconds for another to appear. You can have a maximum of six clovers in the basket.  

Mouse location:

Gillon's Farm: Episode 13, Day 2

Francois is available as an entertainer now.

Today's task is to clean up the messes.  Click on the exclamation point and Emily will walk over and begin to clean.  To interrupt her, click on any food item or the cash register.  One of the tables is covered with dishes and can't be used until it cleaned.  It is probably a good idea to clean it first.

Pies can now be made.  Click on the pie crust, then on the berries and it will go into the oven.  A bell will ding when the pie is baked.  Don't leave it too long or it will burn.  To restock the berries, click on each individual stem of berries on the berry bush at the upper left hand corner.  It will take time for the berries to regrow. You can have a maximum of six berries in a stack.

Mouse location:

Gillon's Farm: Episode 14, Day 1

Juice can now be made.  Click the bottle, then the berries.  The meter on the press will begin to turn.  Click on it when the needle is in the green part of the meter.  If it goes into the red, it spills and you'll have to start all over. You can walk away from the press, as long as you click the meter in time.

Mouse location:

Gillon's Farm: Episode 14, Day 2

Today's task is to cheer up Emily.  Click on her and Francois will go talk to her, and bring the meter up to full.  Don't let the meter run out.  It takes a few seconds to talk to Emily, so plan wisely.

Tip: Don't stress if it seems like you won't make the expert score on this level.  Finishing this event will result in points at the very end of the level and that will most likely push your score into expert.

Since Francois is managing the restaurant, there is no entertainer.

Apples are now available for pie and juice.  Use them the same way as the berries.

Mouse location:

Gillon's Farm: Episode 15, Day 1

Mouse location:

Gillon's Farm: Episode 15, Day 2

Today's task is to find the items (that have been blown by the wind) that are requested by the customers.  The customer will come to the left (top or bottom) of the screen and wait for you to retrieve their property.  The items requested will have blown in on the wind and be somewhere in the restaurant.  If you wait too long, it will blow off the screen.  If this happens, the item will blow in again.

Mouse location:

Snuggford Manor

Snuggford Manor: Episode 16, Day 1

Emily has to clean the tables today.

To make the chocolate dipped cookies, click on the cookie and then on the chocolate fountain.  The waiter will prepare it and it will then show up on Emily's tray.

There are three options for cake: one, two or three pieces.  Pay close attention to your order.  

Oysters are stored in the bottom drawer.  Click on it, then on the oyster to restock.  You'll only add one to your stack with each click.  You can have a maximum of six in stock.  Click on the drawer again to close it.

Tea is another pourable.  Click the teacup.  The meter on the tea machine will begin to turn.  Click on it when the needle is in the green part of the meter.  If it goes into the red, it spills and you'll have to start all over. You can walk away from the machine, as long as you click the meter in time.

Mouse location:

Snuggford Manor: Episode 16, Day 2

Fresco will clean the tables now.

The task is to open the presents.  When her friends show an exclamation mark over their heads, click on that table and Emily will walk over and open a gift.

To make the dish with asparagus, first click on the asparagus.  It will go into the pot.  When it is cooked, it will appear on top of the pot.  It will burn if you wait too long.  Click it, and then on the entree to complete the dish.

Mouse location:

Snuggford Manor: Episode 17, Day 1

Mouse location:

Snuggford Manor: Episode 17, Day 2

Today's task is to feed cake to Jimmy and his friends.  Jimmy will whistle (most annoying!) when he requests cake, so you won't miss it.  There are two new cakes (located at the bottom left).  Jimmy will only order cake or champagne.

Caviar is added to the menu and is prepared the same way as the oysters.

Mouse location:

Snuggford Manor: Episode 18, Day 1

Mouse location:

Snuggford Manor: Episode 18, Day 2

Today's task is to answer the phone. If you wait too long, it will stop ringing.

Edward is now available to entertain,

Layered yogurt is now available.  Click the ingredients in the right order (from top to bottom) to prepare.

Mouse location:

Snuggford Manor: Episode 19, Day 1

Mouse location:

Snuggford Manor: Episode 19, Day 2

Today's task is to empty the rain buckets.  When Evelyn has filled a bucket, it will make a noise and appear at Evelyn's side.  Click on it and Emily will walk over and empty it.

A second ingredient is available for the yogurt parfaits.  Play special attention to the order and make sure you click the ingredients in the right order, from bottom to top.  The parfaits will both blueberries and oranges can be tricky.

Mouse location:

Snuggford Manor: Episode 20, Day 1

At the end of this level you'll get to choose the wedding finale.  The choice you make will show up later in the game.

Mouse location:

Snuggford Manor: Episode 20, Day 2

Today's task is to fit the wedding dress.  Click on Francois and Emily will walk over to him.  Interrupt the fitting at any time by clicking on a food item or the cash register.  Sent Emily back to Francois in between customers.

Mouse location:

Flannery's Park

Flannery's Park: Episode 21, Day 1

This first day takes place in Flannery's tavern, instead of the park.

There is no entertainer nor cleaner today.

Mouse location:

Flannery's Park: Episode 21, Day 2

Today's task is to listen to Patrick's poem.  Click on him when the thought balloon appears and Emily will walk over to him.

You can now have four customers pay at a time.  You can get good score boosts by making combos.

Customers may ask for musicians to play now.  These customers will stand in front of the musicians.  Click on the requested instrument and Emily will take it to the musicians.  These customers do not come to the counter to pay, but you will get points when you deliver the instruments.  Instruments will not count toward a combo.
Tip: It is fun to have the music on in this restaurant because the different instruments play when they are requested.

To restock the pink cake slices, click on the large pink cake.

To make corsages, first click on the leaf and then the requested flower.

Balloons are now available.  They are prepared like the pourable items in the previous levels.  Click on the balloon.  The meter will begin to turn.  Click on it when the needle is in the green part of the meter.  If it goes into the red, the balloon pops and you'll have to start all over. You can walk away from the helium tank, as long as you click the meter in time.

Mouse location:

Flannery's Park: Episode 22, Day 1

Grilled items are now available.  The grilled food does not make a noise, so you'll have to keep an eye out for it to blink and slightly change color.  It will burn if you wait too long.  Two items can be grilled at one time.

Mouse location;

Flannery's Park: Episode 22, Day 2

Today's task is to find the hidden objects.  The objects hidden will be what you chose as the wedding finale: doves, fireworks or lanterns.

Firework locations:

 Lantern locations:

Dove locations:

Mouse location:

Flannery's Park: Episode 23, Day 1

Mouse location:

Flannery's Park: Episode 23, Day 2

Dorian is available to entertain,

The task for this level is to pick flowers for Patrick.  The basket will request a certain color of flower, always alternating the two colors.  Click on it and Emily will walk to the flower, pick it up and take it to the basket.   You can pick several and take them all to the basket at once.
Flower locations:

Mouse location:

Flannery's Park: Episode 24, Day 1

Mouse location:

Flannery's Park: Episode 24, Day 2

Today's task is to accept the deliveries.  Click on Francois and Emily will walk to him and take the box.

Mouse location:

Flannery's Park: Episode 25, Day 1

Today you will get to see Emily wear the dress you chose for her.
Tip: If you would like to see Emily in another dress, play Episode 1, Day 1 again, choose another dress and replay this level.

At the end of this level, you'll be able to choose who will catch the bouquet at Emily's wedding.

Mouse location:

Flannery's Park: Episode 25, Day 2

Today's task it to feed the wedding party.  Serve them all of their requests before the green timer runs out.  They will only order cakes and drinks.  Including their orders in a chain will not result in a combo bonus.

All the guests that you have invited to the wedding through completing the invitation challenges will appear at the wedding before the level, and you'll get to see the finale you chose after the level.  The bouquet you choose will be in the hands of the person you choose to catch it.

Mouse location:

Edwardo's Place, Bonus Levels

Note: These levels are only available in the Premium version of the game.

Edwardo's Place, Episode 26, Day 1

To make the shish kabob, click each ingredient from left to right.  It will appear on the grill.   It does not make a noise when done, but will blink and slightly change colors when it is cooked.  Don't let it cook too long or it will burn.  You can cook three at a time,

Edward will have to clean the tables today, so plan accordingly.

Mouse location:

Edwardo's Place, Episode 26, Day 2

Shaniqua will clean tables now.

Your task today is to light the torches.  First click on the gas can, then on a torch.  Edward will pick up the gas can and walk to the torch to light it.

Slushies are now available.  They are prepared like the other pourable items in the previous levels.  Click on the slushie machine.  The meter will begin to turn.  Click on it when the needle is in the green part of the meter.  If it goes into the red, it will spill and you'll have to start all over. You can walk away from the machine, as long as you click the meter in time.

Mouse location:

Edwardo's Place, Episode 27, Day 1

Sandwiches are available and are served like the cake pieces in Snuggford Manor.

Mouse location:

Edwardo's Place, Episode 27, Day 2

Today's task is to catch Polly.  She will fly out of the cage and land, with an exclamation point over her head.  Click on her and Edward will walk over to her and send her back to her cage.

Chicken can be cooked on the grill now.  It does not make a noise when done, but will blink and slightly change colors when it is cooked.  Don't leave it too long or it will burn.  You can cook three at a time.

Mouse location:

Edwardo's Place, Episode 28, Day 1

Jimmy and Polly are now available to entertain.

Mouse location:

Edwardo's Place, Episode 28, Day 2

Today's task is to spread out the sand.  Click on the sand pile and  Edward will begin to work on it.  Interrupt him anytime by clicking on a food item or the register.

Mouse location:

Edwardo's Place, Episode 29, Day 1

Fish is now available and is cooked the same way as the chicken.

Mouse location:

Edwardo's Place, Episode 29, Day 2

Today's task is to stop Snuggy from stealing the fish.  When he gets a fish, he will stop and an exclamation point will appear over his head.  Click on him and he'll go back inside.

Mouse location:

Edwardo's Place, Episode 30, Day 1

Mouse location:

Edwardo's Place, Episode 30, Day 1

Today's task is to clean up the restaurant.  Click on the exclamation point and Edward will walk to it and begin to clean.  You can interrupt him by clicking on a food item or the register.

Mouse location:


  1. There seems to be so many bugs in the mobile version. I have to force close the app after every day because it seems to freeze up. And on episode 17 challenge where you’re supposed to do reservations no customers ever come in and the phone never rings for reservations! The clock just runs out and the challenge is failed đŸ€·đŸŒ‍♀️! So annoying 😂

  2. I am having the same issues.

    1. I wish I could help! I've never played the mobile version, but that seems like a developer's issue. Have you contacted them (GameHouse) with the problem? That is so annoying!

  3. How can I play Edwardo’s Place? I can’t play it on the iPad version

    1. I haven't played the iPad version, so I can't say for certain, but as far as I know, these levels are only available in the "Premium" version of the PC game.

  4. OlĂĄ, amigo <3 Tudo bem?
    EntĂŁo, estou continuando minha maratona Delicious. Depois do pedido de casamento, vem o casamento em si. Comecei agora, amigo. Estou animada para jogar!
    Acabei de terminar a primeira fase, estou escolhendo o vestido agora. Mas estou curiosa para saber qual vestido vocĂȘ escolheu.
    Qual dos trĂȘs vocĂȘ escolheu?

    1. I had such a hard time! I finally picked the Irish Tradition for my first playthrough, but then the other times I played I picked different dresses. I really liked being able to chose!

    2. Sim, Ă© muito divertido escolher.
      Eu pedi para meu marido fazer as escolhas. Diz que då azar o noivo ver o vestido da noiva, mas eu gostei de todas as opçÔes.
      Ele tambĂ©m escolheu o vestido irlandĂȘs, escolheu o buquĂȘ de rosas de mĂŁo depois.
      Agora estou indo para a fase que escolhe o anel.
      Poderia me dizer todas as suas escolhas?
      Quero ver quais as diferenças dos nossos gostos :D

    3. I picked the Irish dress, the Bag Bouquet, the Sapphire Glamour, the Beacons of Light, and Kate. What all did you end up picking?


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